This weeks reading task was called " How To Read A Scholarly Journal Article "
- You don't have to red every word beginning to end.
- Have a clear topic statement or research question in mind.
- Identify search keywords, eg. "Social Networking", "Bullying"
- .
- First step is to read the abstract, This is the summary of the article.
- Make note of the key terms, eg. Cyberbullying.
- Rather than reading the 9 page article word by word start by reading just the introduction.
- Just let your eyes quickly scan over the sentences looking for key ideas.
- Paraphrase/Quote later.
- Highlight/Underline.
- Footnotes refer to other studies.
- 'Peer Review"
- 'Discussion" tells us what the researcher discovered when doing his study.
- Don't overlook the references section!
- Helping others learn while advancing ones field of knowledge.
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