Growth Mindset - 6 Bad Mental Habits That Sabotage Your Success.
As part of an Extra Credits task I was asked to complete a Growth Mindset challenge, for this challenge I was asked to explore the Diigo Growth Mindset Library and choose an article that interests me and write up a blog post about it which is what i'm doing now.
After looking through the list of articles I chose one labeled '6 Bad Mental Habits That Sabotage Your Success'
Making Excuses.
The first Bad Habit mentioned was making excuses. The article talks about how blaming other people or external circumstances for your lack of achievement harms your performance, saying things such as 'my boss is holding me down' will keep you stuck at the level your at now.
When you focus on things you can do and start to look at the positives you will therefore put more effort into your performance.
Catastrophizing The Future.
This part of the article talks about negative predictions and expecting the worst, constantly believing that your going to mess up may cause you to overthink in a situation and could end up making you mess up making it a self-fullfiling prophecy.
Seeking Audience Approval.
This was one that I could personally relate to myself, it talked about people trying to get the approval of others, trying to read the other persons emotions and figuring out what they are thinking of you could cause you to stumble on your sentences and cause you to mess up in a situation, Personally I can relate to this as it has happened to me before but is something I am working on changing.
Believing self-doubt
Insecurities are the biggest killer of dreams, walking into a job interview and thinking that you are going to mess up and fail may shine through and show to the other person making it more likely that it might be true.
The title page to the article I read.
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